Monday, February 26, 2007

Planes, No Trains and Automobiles...

Hi again!

Before I continue on with the segment about the dreaded waistline transformation, I thought I would paste my "Postcard Story" contest piece, where it was mandatory that the submission be 250 words.

Travelling via car & plane with a baby can be stressful for parents. At the end of the day, the baby just seeks the simple things in life!

Hope you like it!


“Come on! It’s too early! Why are they waking me up in the middle of the night for Pete’s sake?
They have turned on the main light, something must be happening. It cannot be too serious though, she is looking down at me with sparkling eyes and singing a song…and he is…he’s dancing! Imagine the nerve! I am lying here in a wooden dungeon, sleep deprived, and these two are celebrating? On top of that, she is tone deaf and he does not have the beat at all! What is a fourteen month old to do? Sleep, that’s what! And why are they fussing so much over something called a plane?
Here I go! She is lifting me up and oh! The dreaded wet sloppy kiss on my cheek! When she stops doing that it will be my turn to celebrate!
They are talking back and forth quickly. How many cups of coffee have these two had already? Speaking of drinks, I wonder where my bottle is...
A long time has passed and the day keeps getting more strange! Why are we sitting with all of these people and moving slowly? This MUST be a very big car! Wow! What is that noise? And why is he holding me so tight on his lap?
The car is going up a VERY steep hill now! My ears hurt! Oh but wait! Here is my bottle! Forget the big noisy car, this is what I have been waiting for.”

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